Sunday, May 11, 2008

Chapter 2-4

Leonas and Anjanette sold the caravan and most of their merchandaise on the cheap – it would just slow them down in the long run. Their packhorses were replaced with thoroughbreds that could travel great distances. They kept what was needed to run some basic cons for money, but their packs definitely felt a lot emptier than before.

“You’re sure about this, right?” asked Leonas as they lead their horses out of the stable.

“A little late to turn back now,” said Anjanette.

A small white horse trotted up next to them. Atop it was Milly, her hair pulled back into a bun but otherwise identical to earlier. “Uh... so where are we headed first?”

“Pardon?” said Anjanette.

“I mean, where’s the closest book. Did you find out? Um, I tried to do some research, but it all contradicted itself and, well...”

The two partners in crime shared skeptical glances. Leonas frowned but decided to say it, generally being more polite than his counterpart. “Milly, sorry, but we were going to tackle this on our own. Thanks for the help and all, but we don’t really need a... battle librarian, did you say?”

She looked like a struck puppy. “Um... that’s really okay I guess... I was kinda looking forward to it... but you don’t have to take me... it’s just, you know, I know a thing or two about finding books and I’m a black belt in Durobian arts, but that’s probably nothing, so I’m, uh, sorry...”

Anjanette shrugged. “Eh, you would make decent enough bait, I guess.”

Milly’s face lit up like a dry field that had a match dropped on it. Leonas gave Anjanette a surprised look, to which she responded with another shrug.

“Thank you thank you thank you!” Milly exclaimed. She tried to hug Anjanette, but quickly disocvered that it was awfully difficult on horseback.

Leonas, on the other hand, was agile enough to manage to lean over enough to whisper into Anjanette’s ear. “Uh, what the hell Anj?”

“Hey, she could be fun to have along,” she whispered back. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

Leonas gaped at her words. Didn’t the gods normally take that sort of phrase as a challenge?

As it turns out, yes.


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